Interview with Nicholas Hacko

I was honoured recently to be asked to join Nicholas Hacko and Andrew one of his apprentices in an informal chat about all things horological. We covered a range of topics and Iā€™m sure you will agree Nick has a lot of good things to say.

Be sure to check out his YouTube video of the full conversation.

If you are not familiar with Nicholas Hacko watches they are fantastic in house manufactured watches made in Australia. They are reinventing what it means to be a small watch brand and making waves with their use of state of the art modern CNC machines and unusual materials such as Timascus. You will get an idea of what they do by watching this video walkthrough of their manufacturing workshop.

About Nicholas Hacko Watches

Rebelde is the World's smallest watch brand, coming to life in 2013 as a project of Sydney-based watchmaker Nicholas Hacko. The Rebelde project was not conceived as a brand to showcase the watchmaker's genius or his ability to produce watches, or even to fulfil a need for a mechanical timepiece.
It was born simply out of necessity for physical survival - the survival of a small, independent Australian watchmaker.

Nicholas Hacko is a third-generation master-watchmaker. Like many of his colleagues, he has spent his entire life doing what he was trained for: repairing high-grade mechanical watches.


David Walter Double Pendulum Clock Part 1 - Calendar Problems


Assembling a Bracket Clock - Part 3