And The Sun Stood Still

A play by Dava Sobel performed by members of The Worshipful Company of Clockmakers.

Dava Sobel's thoughtful play brings to life the story of Nicolaus Copernicus, the Renaissance astronomer and mathematician who proposed the heliocentric model of the universe in which the Sun stands at the center. Plagued by self-doubt and threatened by religious censure, Copernicus resisted the publication of his work until just before his death in 1543. The play follows Copernicus in those final years as he works to complete his research with the help of Georg Rheticus, a young disciple from Wittenberg, Germany.

The play has been read by members of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers and was advertised to members of the company attending an event held by the Master of the Company in June 2020.

If you would like to purchase the print copy of the play, please click on the picture below.


Escapement Animations - YouTube Playlist.


Now a Trade Member of the Alliance of British Watch and Clock Makers.